Music Ministry
“Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
At First Baptist Church, we recognize that music is one of God's greatest gifts to humanity. Consequently, music plays a vital role in the life of our church, enriching our praises and thanksgivings in worship, being a means of proclaiming the gospel message to others, and being an indispensible element of Christian formation within the community of faith.
The Skinner Pipe Organ at First Baptist was installed in 1925 and has been used since that time for worship. Click here to read about this instrument.
For more information about the Music Ministry at First Baptist, contact the church office at 615.893.2514, or via email.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir sings in the 10:30 a.m. worship service each Sunday. Drawing from a wide range of musical styles including gospel, spiritual, classical, contemporary and others, the choir is the primary music leadership group for weekly services, and presents seasonal programs and services throughout the year.
The Church Orchestra is comprised of those who play any band or orchestral instrument and who have had at least two years of experience. Younger players gain valuable sight reading, technical and ensemble experience, while those who have been playing for a number of years have opportunities to retain their skills. The orchestra plays for occasional services and accompanies hymns, choral anthems as required, and provides music for preludes and offertories.
Children’s Choirs
Children’s Choirs at First Baptist Church provide age-appropriate training and activities for children preschool through grade five. Under the capable leadership of caring, creative and capable teachers and directors, our children’s choirs enable children to learn and develop music skills that will serve them for a lifetime. In addition to learning music fundamentals, biblical truths also are taught. Through songs, games, activities and outreach endeavors, children discover the rich heritage of church music. Four age-grade choirs are offered:
Preschool children ages 3-PreK meet in Room 105
Children in grades K-2 meet in Room 204
Children in grades 3-5 meet in Room 200B
Each choir rehearses weekly on Wednesday evenings, August through May.
The Handbell Choir is open to anyone who exhibits good sight reading and rhythmic skills. Using a 5-octave set of Schulmerich Handbells, The Handbell Choir rings in occasional worship services, presenting prepared pieces and accompanying hymns. The group has joined other area handbell choirs for solo and mass ringing experience during the annual Epiphany Ring held each year in early January, and in other state and regional bell festivals.