Welcome to First Baptist Church of Murfreesboro, Tennessee!


We are a missional church located in the heart of downtown Murfreesboro, and we’d love to have you join us.

We are a vibrant, intergenerational church that combines an illustrious history with a modern-day mindset.  We fully engage the world around us.  Quick examples: we house homeless men in our church building on cold winter nights; we take an annual mission trip to the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota; we have a counseling center, a Fine Arts Academy, and Benevolence ministry operating in our building during the week.

We focus on reaching out rather than serving ourselves.  We partner with churches of other denominations and cultures.   We offer a financial assistance program for neighbors in need.  Mission-mindedness is in our DNA.

Use the menu at the top of our page to learn more about different aspects of our missions and ministries, or scroll down to learn more.

About Us

Click the image above to view our Six Month Missions Impact Statement!

In our Sunday services and Bible studies, we go deep instead of going through the motions.  We have a wide variety of Bible study groups that meet at 9:15 a.m. each Sunday to dig into God’s Word in community.  Our 10:30 a.m. worship service features lively liturgy including stellar music and dynamic biblical preaching.

Ours is a “big-tent” church where people have many different views on a variety of topics.  This is no cookie-cutter congregation, yet we are unified by our faith in Jesus Christ.  He is the reason our church was founded in 1843 and the reason we continue worshipping and reaching out today.  If you have any questions about First Baptist Church, please reach out on our contact page.  We’d be happy to help you in any way we can. 

Hope to see you soon at First Baptist Church of Murfreesboro!