Last night I had the privilege of presenting the product of a lot of work, listening, praying, deliberating and discerning. In short form, it provided the practical answers to the question “What Comes Next?” In a larger sense, it was a chance to place that news between the poles of where we’ve been and where, by God’s grace, we are going. The greater theme dealt with the goals, visions and values that I pray will inform and inspire us in the days ahead.
Attached to this blog is the video of last night’s delivery, along with the PowerPoint which itself tells the story. We did manage to put ten pounds into the five- pound bag of time that we had. So, by design, it wasn’t my smoothest oratory and I left some substantial stages set for lessons and listening down the road. Yet, I am confident that the folks gathered, in person and virtually, got a good picture of where I feel God is leading our congregation.
“These plans reflect a commitment to be externally focused and forward looking as we seek to partner with God in His kingdom work right where we are planted. ”
So, beginning August 8th, we will return to in person Bible Study and a single worship service. That is a prudent and positive thing. In early September we will add Wednesday nights and Chancel Choir to the mix. The times and details can be seen in the attached slides. But we did not stop there.
Future plans include two Sunday worship services with different styles. Even sooner, we will endeavor to have a monthly weeknight event with a strong musical theme designed for non-church goers and folks whose life demands preclude Sunday participation. These plans reflect a commitment to be externally focused and forward looking as we seek to partner with God in his kingdom work right where we are planted.
We talked about values that will give guidance to this new era. We will honor and cultivate engagement beyond Sunday morning attendance. Our hope is that this will be baked into our culture, along with the sweet flavors of increased community impact, church health, and irrational generosity. What we do will grow out of who we are; a community of actively engaged Jesus followers partnering with Him in His kingdom work.
It’s going to be an arduous journey with lots of unknowns, surprises, and occasional course corrections. The way forward can be scary and uncertain; always has been. But we can handle it together. And as we do, we will find that our best days are ahead of us, in a future where the Lord already is, waiting for us to show up.