Welcoming New Friends to the FBC Campus

Beginning next Monday, FBC will become home to one of the most impactful organizations in the Middle Tennessee area. Possibility Place is a free standing local non-profit organization whose mission is to provide possibilities for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. And they do that mission well, and directly impact nearly fifty clients over the course of the week, as well has providing much needed hope and respite for their families. 

We have a history of sharing in this kind of caring initiative, aimed at a population that is often overlooked and can fall through the cracks of local programming. The leadership of Possibility Place includes folks who were part of LEARN, a similar program that FBC shared space with a number of years ago. Today, that work is alive and well and has a solid handle on their reason for being. Here are a few notes from their website to describe what they do and the spirit in which they do it.

Possibility Place provides:

 ·     Job training and volunteer skills where the participant can contribute to society and find personal fulfillment

 ·     Training for independent living skills

 ·     Opportunities for further learning of basic reading, math, and computer skills

 ·     Training for a lifetime of healthy lifestyle habits including recreation, exercise, and healthy choices.

 ·     Opportunities to build friendships and learn strong social skills

 ·     Opportunities for the participants to grow mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually

 That’s good stuff!

Recently Possibility Place has lived out of Experience Church here in Murfreesboro. When the need for new space rose up, we were approached about the possibility of accommodating this wonderful group that does amazing good in our community. It was not hard to figure out a win/win agreement.

They will be mostly occupying parts of the second floor Monday through Friday, and will have little to no impact on our regular activities. We were able to provide this space at a fraction of what commercial rental would have cost, and feel good about developing a relationship with folks doing good kingdom work right here in the Boro. I could not be more pleased. Thanks to Phil and the Real Estate Management Committee for working out the details.

Possibility Place is well on its way to having a building of their own, probably within the next year and change. Until then, we are pleased to have them join Journey Home offices, Insight Counseling, and Cub Scouts as space sharers and fellow difference makers at FBC. When you see our smiling new friends coming and going, you can smile knowing that we are able to use some of our resources to meet some of the needs of some truly special people. And I’m sure that’s making God smile too. I know I am.