Martha Stearns Marshall Sunday

On February 18, we will celebrate the Martha Stearns Marshall Month of Preaching with special guest preacher, Dr. Diane Lipsett. Dr. Lipsett was Pastor Noel and Dayna Schoonmaker’s New Testament professor at Wake Forest University Divinity School. She preached Noel’s ordination service in 2004 and has remained a dear friend of the Schoonmakers. Dr. Lipsett currently serves as a professor of religion at Salem College and Minister of Faith Formation and Education at Knollwood Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Her teaching and research interests include the Gospel of Matthew, ancient parables, and topics relating to women and gender in the ancient world. She is the author of Desiring Conversion (Oxford University Press 2011) and co-editor of Faith and Feminism: Ecumenical Essays (Westminster John Knox Press 2014). Born in Canada, Dr. Lipsett also spent parts of her youth in Australia, Texas, and Alaska, but has called Virginia and North Carolina home for more than two decades. She is married to Richard Vinson, and together they are blessed with five sons, three daughters-in-law, two grandchildren, three cats and a dog. On February 18 at our 10:30 a.m. worship service, we will have the opportunity to hear this gifted scholar, teacher, and preacher deliver a message entitled “‘Enough, Lord!’” based on 1 Kings 19:1-12 and Matthew 14:13-21. Please mark your calendars so as not to miss this special worship service.