Boots on the Ground


Boots on the Ground

This morning marks a full week of boots on the ground in cold and snowy Murfreesboro. (Literally, in boots that saw very little wear back in the land of shorts and sandals.) And it has been a full and fulfilling one. My office, still littered with boxes of books in search of shelves, is evidence that I’ve gotten to do many more important and more enjoyable things.

I’ve enjoyed meeting a lot of you virtually and in person. Broken bread with a few and sipped virtual coffee with a lot of others. Unloaded heavy stuff with new friends. I have attended meetings covering everything from cash to COVID. Got to serve up some food for Coldest Nights and spend some time with folks demonstrating and delivering real warmth. The staff and I are beginning to find the rhythm of working together and getting to know each other. It’s been a joy so far. I have even experienced something here that is foreign to most pastors; a truly enjoyable church business meeting. Enjoyable because I got the see the faces of folks deeply invested in the life and ministry of our church. (I like the sound of that.) I heard reports on ministries that make kingdom difference in the lives of the served and serving. I heard reports of debt retired and new projects taken on. Enjoyable stuff.

"Together, we will walk into the days ahead with a shared mission, love for each other, for God, and for the people He has called us to reach."

Like a presidency, much is made of the first 100 days of a new pastorate. Fifteen days in, I feel such a confirmation of God’s leading that brought us here. I hope you do too. Let’s use these days to build a solid, positive foundation for the ministry we will build together. As I have said, I am learning your ear as you learn my voice. I will be different from other pastors, just as FBC is different from other churches. Together, we will walk into the days ahead with a shared mission, love for each other, for God, and for the people He has called us to reach. As we do, I treasure your encouragement and patience. There will be time to solve problems, wrestle with issues, make judgements, envision the future, and in time, praise God, regather. But these are days for introductions, finding footing, figuring things out, building trust and settling in. These will be the good days that the best days are built on.

Tomorrow, I’m leaving on a jet plane to St. Pete and will work from there next week. We will also finish packing, say goodbye to some folks we love, sell a house, load up the furry sons and head northwards for good. We have a house under contract here and expect to begin moving in weekend after next. Lisa and I are so looking forward to that day and all days ahead. Days when we get to call you our people. And Murfreesboro our home.

Dr. Glen Money
Senior Pastor