Are You Ready?


In Bob Dylan’s short-lived gospel phase of the early 80’s, he did some great music with decidedly Christian themes. Many of those tunes and lyrics still hang with me. “You Gonna Have to Serve Somebody.” “Satisfied Mind.” “Slow Train Coming.” A favorite of mine is bluesy invitation hymn, “Are You Ready?” Many have sung it over the years thinking it was a black gospel classic from years before. 

When we think about the church, our faith and community in 2021, we have been ready for a while. Ready to return. Ready to worship with unveiled faces. Ready to feel the natural rhythms of a Sunday morning. Ready to live out the unhindered gospel, with the deep urgency and meaning that a year of change made more difficult.

The good news at FBC Murfreesboro is that when it comes to the pandemic, the temporal answer to the eternal question is “Yes, we are ready.” Thanks to declining rates of infection and ascending levels of vaccination, we are ready to return to a full menu to serve the Sunday morning appetite. That includes Sunday morning Bible Study for adults, youth, children, and preschoolers. And like so many of you, I am so ready.

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Here’s what we need in order to make it happen- it won’t take much and it shouldn’t take long given our congregation’s commitment, giftedness, and love for God’s Word and all God’s people. We need to have all our Bible Study classes’ leadership in place. Much of that already is there, and according to Phil and the two Davids, what gaps we have are fillable. The second thing we need is a minimal commitment to meet the needs of worship care for our preschoolers. We can do that too. We need 72 spots filled to cover each service for six weeks. That’s two volunteers each for babies, two and three year olds, and four and five year olds. I know the love our church has for children and young families. I anticipate that most all of these parents will serve in some capacity. But we need others to say, “I will invest one hour every six weeks loving on children and allowing their parents to worship.” We can confidently start this once we have reached 50 commitments. Click here to volunteer for preschool Worship Care.

We need others to say, “I will invest one hour every six weeks loving on children and allowing their parents to worship.”

I’m excited that we are at a point where we can reengage more fully soon. Once we have those markers in place, your staff and lay leadership will be ready to move full speed ahead. I appreciate your patience, and also your engagement and commitment that makes what we do and who we are possible. I’ll be watching to see how we are coming day by day to reach these goals, with much love and gratitude for each of you. I am so proud to be your pastor, and in these days of diminishing disorientation, to call you my people. 

Are you ready? I know I am.
