Legacy Sunday

Join us Sunday, November 29 at 10:00am at Embassy Suites in Murfreesboro for "Legacy Sunday," a joint worship service between First Baptist Church on East Castle Street and First Baptist Church on East Main Street.  This historic event will feature music and preaching from both congregations with special attention to our shared history and current partnership.  People of all ages throughout the community are invited to attend.  A "Cry Room" will be available for parents of young children, in case they need to step out of the service.  The message will focus on "endeavoring to maintain the unity of the Spirit" (Eph 4:3).  We thank God for our common Savior, Jesus Christ, and for the opportunity to worship together in unity and love.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Are we having Bible Study/Sunday School that morning? No. There will be no activities at our church building that day so that everyone can come to Embassy Suites for worship.
  2. Will there be childcare? No. Children of all ages are encouraged to attend the service. A "Cry Room" will be available in case parents need to step out with their young children.
  3. What about giving our tithes and offerings? An offering will be taken at the service. You can give to our church by placing your contribution in one of our FBC Main St. envelopes and putting itin the offering that morning. All contributions received that morning that are not designated for a particular church will be divided equally between the two congregations.