Chili con Carnival

Chili and Soup Luncheon
March 1 - following combined worship service

Please make plans to join us on Sunday, March 1 for Chili con Carnival! This is an exciting
opportunity for you to invite friends to a fun event at church! It is also a team building activity for our Bible study classes. This will be a day of alternate schedule with Bible Study at 9:30, combined worship at 10:45, and Chili con Carnival immediately following worship.

Chili con Carnival will be a fun, carnival atmosphere in the CLC/gym. Classes will set up booths, there will be soups and chilis at each booth; there will also be desserts. Everyone can participate by walking around sampling all the delicious offerings. We need everyone’s participation through helping your class with a booth, bringing chili, soup, fixins, or
dessert. We have friendly competitions in each of 4 categories -- Best Booth, Best Chili, Best Soup, and Best Dessert, and we need you to participate, sample, then VOTE as the competition winners will be voted on and determined by the attendees at the Chili con Carnival! We also need you to bring your friends, neighbors, and family!

Ways you can participate:
-Mark your calendar and plan to attend
-Participate as you are gifted and able with your class entries
-Invite your friends and family to join us for Bible study, worship, and the Chili con Carnival

The Bible Study departments and teachers have information about how to enter to participate in Chili con Carnival. They will be talking with you about it in class. Please think about what your gifts and areas of interest are and help your class by participating in one or more categories.

Please use your bulletin inserts and the flyers  in your class to invite your friends and family. In addition to the fun, relaxed environment we will have fun activities for the kiddos!