Season of Lent 2015

Click HERE for the Lenten Devotional Booklet.

Week 6 - March 29 - April 4                                                                                                    

Questions for Reflection

1.   Count how many times the word abide appears in this passage.  What does this word mean to you in regard to you relationship with Jesus?

2.   Sometimes we don’t need to totally eliminate or cut things out of our lives.  Sometimes we just need to be pruned.  Even after everything you’ve sacrificed and let go of, what does God still desire to reshape in your life? Dig deep.

Take Action

It can be easy to become consumed with loss, sacrifice and pain during Lent. Verse 12 reminds us to focus instead on loving one another as Christ loves us. Commit to doing at least one act of lavish love for someone else this week.