FBC 175th Anniversary

In 1843, John Tyler was President, Edgar Allen Poe published “The Tell-Tale Heart,” the first wagon train on the Oregon trail left Missouri for the American Northwest, and on June 9, at the Fletcher Schoolhouse in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, a group of Christians formed the congregation now known as First Baptist Church, East Main Street. Since 2018 marks the 175th anniversary of the founding of our congregation, the 175th Anniversary Committee has been working for the past twelve months to plan fun, interesting, and edifying ways for us to celebrate this occasion.

The theme for our celebration will be “Grounded in the Past; Growing for the Future.” Throughout 2018, our celebrations will include:

-    “First Facts,” a series of short memories and historical notes paired with a question or challenge for reflection, which will appear in various church publications;
-    an update to Pillar and Ground, the history of First Baptist Church, which will be released in 2018;
-    a documentary-style video to be completed in the spring and made available in digital formats;
-    a series of testimonies in worship featuring church members reflecting on moments when this congregation particularly shined;
-    an anniversary banquet on June 9, 2018 with dinner and a program;
-    and special worship services, including our 175th Anniversary Worship Service on Sunday, June 10, 2018.

We welcome any financial contributions designated to support the foregoing plans. Our focus will not only be recognizing where we’ve been and what God has done in the past through this church, but also understanding the foundation laid for God’s future work in our midst. Whether you are a lifelong church member or just started worshipping with us last month, you are an important part of our church. The 175th Anniversary Committee invites you to join us throughout 2018 as we explore what it means to be “Grounded in the Past; Growing for the Future.”

Jim Cotey and Susan Taylor, Co-chairs, 175th Anniversary Committee